Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well as  fate would have it I did ok in the entrance test for bansal and next thing I knew I was packing stuff and listening to instructions for cleaning the room at the same time.You see i wasn't your typical mamma's boy when it came to home keeping.I always believed(my parents still do) That if i tried hard enough I could disappear in the pile of junk I had assembled in my bedroom.As i slowly packed my belongings and swear-ed under my breath God almighty(thats dad) revealed his fabulous plans of making the journey from varanasi to kota(Thats 1200kms ladies and gentlemen) in our own lovely MARUTI ZEN!!!At first i was struck so dumb at the oddity of the proposal that for a funny moment i nursed the preposterous idea that my dad had suddenly developed a sense of humour.But when i realized he was serious I couldn't help giving him a piece of my mind which soon devolved into a shouting match and settled with him using the veto power to have his idea passed and so at 4 in the morning we were in the car leaving for kota.

     Now i haven't involved my mother in this monologue all the while because jury's still out on whose side is she actually is in this father son 'affair'.All I can say is that she is the only sensible female kind i had met upto that point in my life.A doctor by profession She was one of those strict woman with a heart of gold type,the ones you find in any cliche movie.I describe her in such detail because what happened next came as a bit of surprise for me,As we prepared to move I went to mom to say goodbye and said"I guess you wont be seeing me for long time then,eh?"

She just looked at me and nodded and i saw it for the first time in my life I saw tears in her eyes.Panic struck me at that moment I didn't want her to cry and yet it was hard holding back my own tears But life never gave me much choices in that department,I decided to play the tough guy and i dont exactly remember what i said at that moment as i was too busy holding my tears back But it seemed to calm her down.I sat in the car and looked back to wave at her and there she was standing on the road crying and waving back,i kept looking back and waving even though all I wanted was to go back and tell her how much i love her but still the car didnt stop and neither did my hand,then we turned around a corner and she disappeared.My father looked at me in the backseat and said"You don't have a lot of emotions,That shows why you have failed at qualifying jee,You need be passionate for it but you have no emotions for your mother then how can you have anything for an exam?",I clenched my teeth and just nodded and as he started to look forward and drive again I finally let my tears roll down my cheeks and started looking out of the window.

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