Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mother's day

Ladies and gentlemen I think it's high time I took some time off and thanked the most important woman in my life,The one without whom I wouldn't even be here and the one whom I never really thanked for all the things she did for me.

Not that I didn't want to but I have trouble expressing things with actions and words as they are often misinterpreted so I rather write things down so that one day if the person in question stumbled upon it they may know how much they meant to me.In a Family the father is generally the guy who goes tough on the kid to prepare him for the times ahead while the mother is the gentle touch the child needs in order to preserve his innocence,My family,in stark contrast,works exactly the other way round.My mother had always been the one who taught me the practical aspects of life while my father though sometimes unreasonable in his academic demands has always been the one to protect me care for me and look after my needs.A doctor by profession,My mother never really fails to surprise me with the ease with which she can mold herself according to the needs of the family,Since she comes from a well disciplined family she knows how to keep check on the expenditure while my father's side(including me) is full of lavish spenders.I have seen her for the past 12 years Going to work at 9 in the morning returning at 2:30 preparing lunch then going through her daily routine,teaching my sister,case studying and stuff and then preparing dinner,She never agreed to keep a servant as she sees it to be too lavish even when we have 20-something servants sitting in ancestral house doing nothing and insists to get the job done herself.She was the one who helped me in understanding basic chemistry from class 4th always bringing little to-do experiments to my notice and then explaining the underlying principles,She got me hooked to the subject and To this day it is the subject I actually enjoy reading about.So on this mother's day for the first time in my life I would like to tell her How much I love her and how much thankful I am to have her as my mom but of course Writing is all I can do and I doubt she is much of a surfer so it stays here anyways HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finding sauro

Sauvik was delighted To see me as we hadn't met for a long time,after exchanging few niceties he informed us that he had already taken admission at bansal and that I could do the same this very day.My father took an immediate liking to him and why not?The guy used to talk academics 24x7.Dad decided that we would go to bansal after we have found ourselves a place to live in,Suvy(Sauvik's nik) said that we could start looking for houses in his locality and I immediately Started marking all the girls hostel Around his house,The housing in kota is really good each block has a park which is centrally located,suvy's block was no exception,the colony all in all had 3 girls hostels and all of them were built alternate with i boys P.G. in between.My mind started racing  fast I did some quick calculation and found a house that suited ideally to my needs,it had a large veranda and the roof was a good vantage point to ogle at girls and vice versa,I turned around and before I could say something sauvik whispered to me"Bhara hua hai maine pahle hee try kiya tha."I automatically burst out laughing And clapped on his back and said"chal koi nahi ye bata saurav kahan hai?""yaar koi idea nahi hai jab se aaya hoon khali phone pe bat huee hai chal mil ke aate hain" sauvik replied.I looked questioningly towards dad and for once he did not disappoint "Chalo gaadi main baitho raste main call karke address pooch lena."We quickly hopped into the car and sauvik dialled saurav's number.Saurav picked up the phone and on being informed of my arrival greeted me with something less than enthusiasm,I did not notice it then but there was something which hinted at his less than friendly attitude,He nonetheless gave us the address and told us that since he was out of house we should reach there and he will be a little late,"c-5 Indira vihar"I read out aloud,I did not know then that this little address will mean so much to me for the next 8 months,all I could think of was to reach the place fast,but After 17 minute of trial and error and 22 wrong turns later we still could not find the house."Darn it"sauvik muttered frustrated,"Why do all these fuckin lanes look alike and whats the use of Giving numbers to houses when the numbers are all random?"I myself was getting irritated as sauvik was bang on target about the numbering being random,It seemed as if the numbering was done on a lottery bassis by a blindfolded drunk monkey who may or may not have taken drugs.One moment we were at b-455 and next house turned out to be a-23.I was beginning to lose hope when suddenly sauvik called saurav back and asked him to name some landmark for identification."opera hospital"I could distinctly hear him say,so we asked the ppl instructions to reach to opera hospital and from there spotting the house was a child's play.

The house was a two storey affair and looked pretty decent from outside,The sparkling board of dr.N.C. anchaliya was fixed outside Who seemed to have every possible degree in medico profession.I was too busy staring at the house to notice sauvik staring at the board with his brows furrowed."What happened why so constipated look?"I inquired."dude what the fuck is M.B,B.S.?"he asked.I squinted at the board and sure enough I saw it was a typo,the Doc may be a genius but the one who made the board certainly wasn't.I never knew this would become the pet peeve of doc for months to come,blissfully unaware of what future held I stepped inside my wouldbe home for the first time.......

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arrival Pt-3

I was Halfway through my journey when my phone suddenly rang,one look at the screen was enough to lighten my mood.It was richa,one of my better friends.It was strange how I and she had struck up a friendship.We had studied together for 4 years,both our fathers took transfer to the same city and we always kept in touch.Our relation had traveled all the way from crest of friendship to the trough of hatred and now rested on the stable platform of kinship.She was the closest thing to a sister I had outside my blood relations.I picked up the phone and The first question she fired was "kaha pahunche?".Typical richa no hi bye i smirked before replying "agra Still 6 hours journey left." "kya kar rahe ho?" was the next question."Kuch nahi bore ho raha hoon" i replied."chal jyada nahi pakaungi meri uptu ki counselling aane wali hai yahi batana tha" she quipped."badhiya hai Jab koi college tujhe lene ko taiyaar ho jaye to bata dena" I teased."haan haan uda lo majak baad main bataungi chal ab rakh rahi hoon bye bro" she was being her usual short but sweet self."bye sissy" i said before hanging up her call.Still not sure about how to pass time I compiled Eminem's finest in a playlist and Started to listen to them while gazing into the horizon.The sky was beautiful blue and the road traffic was really sparse due to the summer heat,and with the beats of'sing for the moment' pumping from my headphone I finally fell asleep.

I was woken up 7 hours later when we had reached the city of kota.According to dad I had missed lot of beautiful sights along the way but I was never a nature freak so it didn't bother me much to be honest.At first I was taken aback when I had first glimpse of the city because It was nothing like I had imagined.In my imagination kota was just a place with lots of sand where people wore traditional rajasthani clothes and the primary mode of transport was a camel.Heck call my imagination wild but I had imagined I would have to take a shit out in some field Like people used to do in the past.So all in all when I saw roads cars and multi storey buildings it was as if god almighty himself had come to my rescue(not that I believed in him at that time).Now to be honest human kind has only three basic needs-Roti Kapda Makan.Roti we had(plenty,thanks for that mumma)kapda we were wearing all that was left was a makan to live in.Now I had a option to live in a p.g. which would give a calm atmosphere or a hostel where I would get a competitive atmosphere.To be honest I did not give a damn for any of both as All i needed was a place to rest my lazy ass in but acc. to dad it was VERY important."Have any of your other friends come to this place?"Dad asked."Ya sauvik and saurabh are here already?"I said."call anyone of them and ask their address"dad said.I sifted through the numbers and called sauvik,he was delighted to hear that I had arrived and quickly gave me his address.He was living in a P.G. in indira vihar.We decided to pay him a visit straight away

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well as  fate would have it I did ok in the entrance test for bansal and next thing I knew I was packing stuff and listening to instructions for cleaning the room at the same time.You see i wasn't your typical mamma's boy when it came to home keeping.I always believed(my parents still do) That if i tried hard enough I could disappear in the pile of junk I had assembled in my bedroom.As i slowly packed my belongings and swear-ed under my breath God almighty(thats dad) revealed his fabulous plans of making the journey from varanasi to kota(Thats 1200kms ladies and gentlemen) in our own lovely MARUTI ZEN!!!At first i was struck so dumb at the oddity of the proposal that for a funny moment i nursed the preposterous idea that my dad had suddenly developed a sense of humour.But when i realized he was serious I couldn't help giving him a piece of my mind which soon devolved into a shouting match and settled with him using the veto power to have his idea passed and so at 4 in the morning we were in the car leaving for kota.

     Now i haven't involved my mother in this monologue all the while because jury's still out on whose side is she actually is in this father son 'affair'.All I can say is that she is the only sensible female kind i had met upto that point in my life.A doctor by profession She was one of those strict woman with a heart of gold type,the ones you find in any cliche movie.I describe her in such detail because what happened next came as a bit of surprise for me,As we prepared to move I went to mom to say goodbye and said"I guess you wont be seeing me for long time then,eh?"

She just looked at me and nodded and i saw it for the first time in my life I saw tears in her eyes.Panic struck me at that moment I didn't want her to cry and yet it was hard holding back my own tears But life never gave me much choices in that department,I decided to play the tough guy and i dont exactly remember what i said at that moment as i was too busy holding my tears back But it seemed to calm her down.I sat in the car and looked back to wave at her and there she was standing on the road crying and waving back,i kept looking back and waving even though all I wanted was to go back and tell her how much i love her but still the car didnt stop and neither did my hand,then we turned around a corner and she disappeared.My father looked at me in the backseat and said"You don't have a lot of emotions,That shows why you have failed at qualifying jee,You need be passionate for it but you have no emotions for your mother then how can you have anything for an exam?",I clenched my teeth and just nodded and as he started to look forward and drive again I finally let my tears roll down my cheeks and started looking out of the window.

Monday, May 3, 2010


After a long--long holiday results were finally starting to arrive and as a dutiful student it was my,well...duty to look sad as all my dreams of getting a good college seemed to have crumbled in face of the cruel truth of failures.To top it all the confident brat that I used to be I had only competed for jee and aieee.To cut long things short I had as much chance of getting in a college as bush had of getting a third chance to ruin america So when hitler almighty (thats my dad) passed his verdict that i was a blemish on his long record of successes I could do nothing but clench and unclench my fists and wish for a 2nd chance.

 Now my dad is not the type who would be associated with any terminology related to dictatorship but its those certain traits that add up to annoy me to no ends.He is a 40 something man who is an academic achiever passed out from a reputed college and in a secure government job but its these certain characteristic features of predicting my future(which is bleak of course),finding faults(And he believes me as whole to be a mistake),and his penchant to get me in a reputed college that piss me off.Now most of my sane readers would point out point 3 and mouth'what's  wrong with that son?'.well the wrong lies in the fact that when you make it an aim in your life to coax your only son into all the subjects he never loved things are bound to get ugly.

Not that i did not understand that shit,heck I was a brilliant student but all i loved was computers and chemistry and I hated maths so i guess you can understand there was no way i was cut out for PCM group.

So after all this background sketch when my dad informed me That I was going kota this year my readers should promptly guess that whatever came out of my mouth was not very enthusiastic.Though my father could see i did not share his enthusiasm on this subject he none the less called his friend in kota to gather info and I knew what is done is done,that I would be going to kota in less than a month.


Kota was like a dream for me.The place was ideal for people like me.People who find solace in friends rather than family.People who don't share a good relation with their parents.In short it is a haven for 'nalayak aulaad'.But riding high on success in securing an eml rank in jee all I could think was "Damn,6 more months and i will be banging chicks in my brand new iit jacket".As you will see things did not turn out quite like i wanted but it was a ride worth taking,I found new worthy friends.Broke up with a cheating girlfriend and discovered True love along the way.Some names may be changed But the story is 100% authentic.Have fun.