Monday, May 3, 2010


After a long--long holiday results were finally starting to arrive and as a dutiful student it was my,well...duty to look sad as all my dreams of getting a good college seemed to have crumbled in face of the cruel truth of failures.To top it all the confident brat that I used to be I had only competed for jee and aieee.To cut long things short I had as much chance of getting in a college as bush had of getting a third chance to ruin america So when hitler almighty (thats my dad) passed his verdict that i was a blemish on his long record of successes I could do nothing but clench and unclench my fists and wish for a 2nd chance.

 Now my dad is not the type who would be associated with any terminology related to dictatorship but its those certain traits that add up to annoy me to no ends.He is a 40 something man who is an academic achiever passed out from a reputed college and in a secure government job but its these certain characteristic features of predicting my future(which is bleak of course),finding faults(And he believes me as whole to be a mistake),and his penchant to get me in a reputed college that piss me off.Now most of my sane readers would point out point 3 and mouth'what's  wrong with that son?'.well the wrong lies in the fact that when you make it an aim in your life to coax your only son into all the subjects he never loved things are bound to get ugly.

Not that i did not understand that shit,heck I was a brilliant student but all i loved was computers and chemistry and I hated maths so i guess you can understand there was no way i was cut out for PCM group.

So after all this background sketch when my dad informed me That I was going kota this year my readers should promptly guess that whatever came out of my mouth was not very enthusiastic.Though my father could see i did not share his enthusiasm on this subject he none the less called his friend in kota to gather info and I knew what is done is done,that I would be going to kota in less than a month.

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