Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finding sauro

Sauvik was delighted To see me as we hadn't met for a long time,after exchanging few niceties he informed us that he had already taken admission at bansal and that I could do the same this very day.My father took an immediate liking to him and why not?The guy used to talk academics 24x7.Dad decided that we would go to bansal after we have found ourselves a place to live in,Suvy(Sauvik's nik) said that we could start looking for houses in his locality and I immediately Started marking all the girls hostel Around his house,The housing in kota is really good each block has a park which is centrally located,suvy's block was no exception,the colony all in all had 3 girls hostels and all of them were built alternate with i boys P.G. in between.My mind started racing  fast I did some quick calculation and found a house that suited ideally to my needs,it had a large veranda and the roof was a good vantage point to ogle at girls and vice versa,I turned around and before I could say something sauvik whispered to me"Bhara hua hai maine pahle hee try kiya tha."I automatically burst out laughing And clapped on his back and said"chal koi nahi ye bata saurav kahan hai?""yaar koi idea nahi hai jab se aaya hoon khali phone pe bat huee hai chal mil ke aate hain" sauvik replied.I looked questioningly towards dad and for once he did not disappoint "Chalo gaadi main baitho raste main call karke address pooch lena."We quickly hopped into the car and sauvik dialled saurav's number.Saurav picked up the phone and on being informed of my arrival greeted me with something less than enthusiasm,I did not notice it then but there was something which hinted at his less than friendly attitude,He nonetheless gave us the address and told us that since he was out of house we should reach there and he will be a little late,"c-5 Indira vihar"I read out aloud,I did not know then that this little address will mean so much to me for the next 8 months,all I could think of was to reach the place fast,but After 17 minute of trial and error and 22 wrong turns later we still could not find the house."Darn it"sauvik muttered frustrated,"Why do all these fuckin lanes look alike and whats the use of Giving numbers to houses when the numbers are all random?"I myself was getting irritated as sauvik was bang on target about the numbering being random,It seemed as if the numbering was done on a lottery bassis by a blindfolded drunk monkey who may or may not have taken drugs.One moment we were at b-455 and next house turned out to be a-23.I was beginning to lose hope when suddenly sauvik called saurav back and asked him to name some landmark for identification."opera hospital"I could distinctly hear him say,so we asked the ppl instructions to reach to opera hospital and from there spotting the house was a child's play.

The house was a two storey affair and looked pretty decent from outside,The sparkling board of dr.N.C. anchaliya was fixed outside Who seemed to have every possible degree in medico profession.I was too busy staring at the house to notice sauvik staring at the board with his brows furrowed."What happened why so constipated look?"I inquired."dude what the fuck is M.B,B.S.?"he asked.I squinted at the board and sure enough I saw it was a typo,the Doc may be a genius but the one who made the board certainly wasn't.I never knew this would become the pet peeve of doc for months to come,blissfully unaware of what future held I stepped inside my wouldbe home for the first time.......

1 comment:

Sharad kota said...

"It seemed as if the numbering was done on a lottery bassis by a blindfolded drunk monkey who may or may not have taken drugs"-That my friend is epic wins for you!!!