Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mother's day

Ladies and gentlemen I think it's high time I took some time off and thanked the most important woman in my life,The one without whom I wouldn't even be here and the one whom I never really thanked for all the things she did for me.

Not that I didn't want to but I have trouble expressing things with actions and words as they are often misinterpreted so I rather write things down so that one day if the person in question stumbled upon it they may know how much they meant to me.In a Family the father is generally the guy who goes tough on the kid to prepare him for the times ahead while the mother is the gentle touch the child needs in order to preserve his innocence,My family,in stark contrast,works exactly the other way round.My mother had always been the one who taught me the practical aspects of life while my father though sometimes unreasonable in his academic demands has always been the one to protect me care for me and look after my needs.A doctor by profession,My mother never really fails to surprise me with the ease with which she can mold herself according to the needs of the family,Since she comes from a well disciplined family she knows how to keep check on the expenditure while my father's side(including me) is full of lavish spenders.I have seen her for the past 12 years Going to work at 9 in the morning returning at 2:30 preparing lunch then going through her daily routine,teaching my sister,case studying and stuff and then preparing dinner,She never agreed to keep a servant as she sees it to be too lavish even when we have 20-something servants sitting in ancestral house doing nothing and insists to get the job done herself.She was the one who helped me in understanding basic chemistry from class 4th always bringing little to-do experiments to my notice and then explaining the underlying principles,She got me hooked to the subject and To this day it is the subject I actually enjoy reading about.So on this mother's day for the first time in my life I would like to tell her How much I love her and how much thankful I am to have her as my mom but of course Writing is all I can do and I doubt she is much of a surfer so it stays here anyways HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally i saw it luv u too .there r times when u hv to tk tough decisions fr the sake of pple u luv at times they may feel wrong n harsh bt they hd to be .later in life u cn judge them frm aparent's side
i know u luv us n we luv u too